
Tuesday 9 July 2013

Top Ten Best/Worst Movie Adaptations

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and The Bookish. Because your admins here at From Covers to Covers love the idea of making funny and interesting lists, we are really excited to participate in these weekly challenges.

Side note before we begin: For some of these movies, the main reason why we fell in love with them is because of the cast selection. Some of these guys can be sooooooo hot/cute/adorable/ajdfkaldsl we just couldn't resist smiling throughout the whole movie. Also, we'll limit the movies to ones that we have read the books for because then this list could be entirely different!


1. The Harry Potter Series
Though we can't say that every movie adaptation that was done in this series was exactly what we dreamed of, it's impossible not to include the entire series on this list. The movies inspired us to pick up these books, and we are so glad that they have turned out so well. We do, however, miss the summertime releases. Those were always moments we anticipated.

2. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
LOGAN LERMAN AHHHHHHHH!!! The fact that the author directed and wrote the screenplay for the adaptation really helped make this movie stay true to the novel. It was absolute perfection, and all the actors portrayed their characters to a tee (Logan Lerman was especially good though).

3. Pride and Prejudice
We're talking about the old BBC television series here featuring Colin Firth. It's exactly what we pictured in our heads when we had to read this story for school. 

4. The Hunger Games
Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss was perfect as goes with Josh Hutcherson. This movie captured the book really well and had all the elements we loved from the book!

5. Silver Linings Playbook
Once again, Jennifer Lawrence was amazing in this one! She definitely deserved the best actress award.

6. The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants
Kostosssssss! So cute! Loved him in the book and the movie! The casting was done well for this one and it was a fun movie to watch. Really loved it!


7. Twilight
There was absolutely no chemistry between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in the first movie. Yes, over time it got better, but honestly, this movie is garbage. Thank god for highly obsessed tweens (who we were at one time, we're not going to lie) who kept this series living. Otherwise, the New Moon movie adaptation would not have lived to see the light of day.

8. Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
Okay, this is a really weird one for me but hear me out. I used to ADORE this movie when I was growing up. I swooned at Chris Pine (which I still do, but just in OTHER movies) and felt all happy inside when I watched this movie. But then I read the books. I realized then that Mia's first love, Michael, had not just vanished from her life like he did in Princess Diaries 2. Actually, Michael played a huuuuge role in her life, and he was amazing, and I hate that the movie didn't care enough about the book series to see how it ended before moving onto another movie.

9. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Other than Logan Lerman, the movie was just meh.

10. Romeo & Juliet
Leonardo DiCaprio was the perfect Romeo, but overall this wasn't the best interpretation of the text. It was a bit too unusual for our liking.

What movies are featured on your list?

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