
Friday 2 August 2013

Review: Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill

Name: Meant to Be
Author: Lauren Morrill
Date Published: November 13, 2012
Grade: A 

Goodreads Summary: 
Meant to be or not meant to be... that is the question. 

It's one thing to fall head over heels into a puddle of hazelnut coffee, and quite another to fall for the—gasp—wrong guy. Straight-A junior Julia may be accident prone, but she's queen of following rules and being prepared. That's why she keeps a pencil sharpener in her purse and a pocket Shakespeare in her, well, pocket. And that's also why she's chosen Mark Bixford, her childhood crush, as her MTB ("meant to be").

But this spring break, Julia's rules are about to get defenestrated (SAT word: to be thrown from a window) when she's partnered with her personal nemesis, class-clown Jason, on a school trip to London. After one wild party, Julia starts receiving romantic texts . . . from an unknown number! Jason promises to help discover the identity of her mysterious new suitor if she agrees to break a few rules along the way. And thus begins a wild goose chase through London, leading Julia closer and closer to the biggest surprise of all: true love.

Because sometimes the things you least expect are the most meant to be.

Review: I completely devoured this one, man, I had such a good time reading it. I think it was definitely the most fun I've had reading a book in a long time. Like some reviews are saying, I found Meant to Be similar to Anna and the French Kiss: Cute, quirky, FUN.  

Reasons why Meant to Be was meant for me :)))

1. Firstly, the cover screams adorable YA romance (okay I admit I kind of judge books by their covers)

2. Julia, the main character, is one of the most lively, animated characters I've had the pleasure of reading about in a long time. She's awkward, witty, undoubtedly clumsy, a swimmer, a "book licker", a rule follower, and undeniably hilarious.  Her voice is strong and constant throughout the entire book. Not only did her observations and thoughts make me laugh out loud every other page, I found Julia crazy relatable, as I saw so much of myself in her character. 

3. Jason, I admit, came off annoying and arrogant in the beginning, (spoiler... however you should all see this coming anyways) but like Julia, I ended up falling for him hard. His care-free personality and optimism makes him incredibly lovable- how can you not fall for a boy who takes you to a small British Cafe and dances with you? Or serenades you with your favorite Beatles song in a skatebaording park? 

4. The unlikely romance formed between this couple, the strict rule follower and the laid back rule breaker, is swoon-worthy. Watching this young couple experience first love together- without them even knowing that they're falling for each other- is so exciting. It's how most girls my age dream of falling for a guy. Not to mention it takes you on a ten day adventure around London. 

5. Just when you think the story is becoming predictable and you feel as if you already know how everything will end (because that's what I initially thought)- BOOM, Lauren Morrill inserts a twist or two into the plot. I thought the ending was great, perhaps a little rushed though. 

Overall, Meant to Be was a book filled with comedy and romance (kinda like a romcom in book form?). The story kept you on your feet and the characters worked perfectly together. It also offers a little reminder that sometimes, the image we conjure up in our heads of a perfect "happily ever after" can be completely different from reality. I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a happy-go-lucky, fun read. 

Have fun laughing out loud to yourself with this one!


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